Shamanism: Mysticism or Science ?
Before the organised religions that dominated the world we know of people practiced some sort of Shamanism for healing, redemption, manifestation and what they now turn to religion for. Instead of priests and imams they had medicine men and women and Shamanist priests. Instead of praying to a God that never seemed to listen or care, they danced around the fire to the beat of drums chanting blah blah blah. Or did they really?
The purpose of those rituals was to alter consciousness and access the subconscious mind for healing or manifesting what is desired, since that level of mind is the seat of real power in our lives. The only modern psychological process that can access the subconscious mind is hypnosis, which an average individual is unable to perform without outside assistance.
When you raise the cloak of dogma surrounding shamanism, just like the dogma that obscures the real spiritual objectives of religions, you find that there is a very substantive purpose behind it all. One example is the “power animals” used in shamanism. Why use a power animal? Because animals represent very powerful characteristics that humans may want to create in their own lives. An example is the eagle. Another is the cougar. Still another is the tiger and the lion, very strong symbols of power. What’s the use of power animals in the practicality of our lives?
The answer lies in the power of our imagination and our subconscious mind. Whatever thought is impressed on our subconscious mind persistently starts manifesting at the physical level. If you see yourself as an intrepid and powerful tiger persistently, you will acquire some of those characteristics over time.
Mongolia’s shamanic rituals – in pictures
The Shamanic View Of Mental Health